- Aprem, M.,
Syriac Manuscripts in Trichur.
- Baumstark, A.,
Syrische und syro-arabische Handschriften in Damaskus.
- Baumstark, A.,
Die liturgischen Handschriften des jakobitischen
Markusklosters in Jerusalem.
- Brock, S.P.,
The Syriac Manuscripts in the National Library Athens
- Brock, S.P.,
Two Syriac Manuscripts in the Library of Selwyn College, Cambridge.
- Briquel-Chatonnet, F. / Desreumaux, A. / Thekeparampil, J.
Catalogue des Manuscrits Syriaques de la Collection du Saint Ephrem Ecumenical Research Institute (Kottayam) (pdf)
- Clemons, J.T.,
Syriac Manuscripts in the United States
- Coakley, J.F.,
A catalogue of the Syriac manuscripts in the John Rylands Library (Manchester). (pdf)
- Dolabani, Y. / Lavenant, R. / Brock, S. / Khalil Samir, S.
Catalogue des Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque du Patriarcat Syrien Orthodoxe a Homs (Auj. a Damas). (pdf)
- Ebied, R.Y.,
Syriac Manuscripts from the Collection of Sir E.A. Wallis Budge.
- Goshen-Gottstein, M.H.,
Syriac Manuscripts in the Harvard College Library.(pdf)
- Harrak, A.,
Catalogue of Syriac and Garshuni Manuscripts.
Manuscripts Owned by the Iraqi Department of Antiquities and Heritage. (pdf)
- Isaac, L.,
Les manuscrits syriaques du couvent des moines Chaldáens
à Bagdad - Iraq.(pdf)
- Khalifé, I.-A. / Baissari, F.
Catalogue raisonné des manuscrits de la bibliotheque orientale de l'université saint Joseph. Manuscrits Syriaques. (pdf)
- Kaufhold, H.,
Die syrischen und christlich-arabischen Handschriften der
Universitätsbibliothek in Münster.
- Macomber, W.F.,
New Finds of Syriac Manuscripts in the Middle East.
- McConaughy, D.L.,
An Update on the Syriac MSS in Collections in South India.
- McConaughy, D.L.,
The Syriac Manuscripts in the Coptic Museum, Cairo.
- Pigulevskaya, N.V.,
Katalog siriyskikh rukopisey Leningrada(Catalogue of the Syriac manuscripts in Leningrad). (pdf)
- Ring, St.R.,
The Sleeba Syriac manuscript collection,
Malabar, India. (pdf)
- Scher, A.,
Notice sur les manuscrits syriaques du musée Borgia.
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Bibliothèque du couvent des Chaldéens de
- Scher, A.,
L'archeveche chaldéen de Diarbékir.
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Bibliothèque du Patriarcat Chaldéen de Mossoul.
- Scher, A.,
Bibliothèque de l'évêché chaldéen
de Mardin.
- Thelly, E., Syriac Manuscripts in Mannanam Library.
- Voeoebus,A.,
Die Entdeckung der großen Anaphorensammlung des
- Vosté J.M. O.P.,
Bibliothèque syro-chaldéenne du couvent de notre dame des semences
près d'Alqosch