Syrische Anaphoren




Überblick: Listen von Anaphoren

Auflistungen von Anaphoren:

  1. Barsoum, I.A., The Scattered Pearls. A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences. Translated and Edited by Matti Moosa. With a Foreword by Cyril Aphrem Karim, Piscataway: NJ ²2003, 65-67.
  2. Brock, S.P., Two Recent Editions of Syrian Orthodox Anaphoras, in: EphLit 102 (1988) 436-445.
  3. Feulner, H.J., Zu den Editionen orientalischer Anaphoren, in: Feulner, H.J. / Velkovska, E. / Taft, R.F. (eds.), Crossroad of Cultures. Studies in Liturgy and Patristics in Honour of Gabriele Winkler, Roma 2000 (= OCA 260) 251-282.
  4. Hanssens, J.M., Un ancien catalogue d'anaphores syriennes, in: EphLit 46 (1932) 439-447.
  5. Raes, A., Introductio, in: Anaphora Syriacae.



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