Syrische Anaphoren


Liste der Anaphoren - S.P. Brock

Liste der Anaphoren nach: Brock, S.P., Two Recent Editions of Syrian Orthodox Anaphoras, in: EphLit 102 (1988) 436-445.

Überblick zu den Anaphorensammlungen:

  • AS: Anaphorae Syriacae, ed. A. Raes and others, Rome 1939ff: I.1 1939, I.2 1940, I.3 1944, II.1 1951, II.2 1953, II.3 1973, III.1 1981.
  • C: Syrian Orthodox edition, ed. Çiçek 1985.
  • M: Maronite editions, Rome 1592/94, 1716, 1762.
  • MQ: Maronite editions, Qozhaya 1816, 1838, 1855, 1872, and Beirut 1888, 1908.
  • Lat: Latin translation in: E. Renaudot, Liturgiarum Orientalium Collectio. 2, Frankfurt 1847, reprint 1970.
  • P: Syrian Orthodox editions, Pampakuda 1886, 1931, 1976, 1986.
  • R: Syrian Catholic edition, I.E. Rahmani, Ktôbô d-teksô d-qurôbô, Sharfeh 1922. Dazu: A. Rücker, Das neue syrische Missale, in: Jahrbuch für Liturgiewissenschaft 4 (1924) 187--192.
  • S: Syrian Catholic edition, Rome 1843.
ASM1592M1716M1762 MQSRP1886 P1931P1976P1986C LatOthers
Abraham the Hunter xx
Athanasius of Alexandria Baumstark
Basil ‘Abd al Ghani
Basil of Caesareaxx
CelestineII.3 Wright
Clement II
Cyril of Hah
Cyril of Jerusalem, Cyril of AlexandriaI.3x xxx xAssemani
Dionysius the Areopagitex
Dionysius bar Salibi I, Dionysius the Areopagitex xxx xxxx
Dionysius bar Salibi II
Dionysius bar Salibi III
Dioscorus of Alexandria II.3x
Dioscorus of Alexandria III.3
Dioscorus of Gozartax
XII Apostles II.2 x Engberding
XII Apostles III.2x x xxx xx
Eustathius Ixxxxxx x
Eustathius II, Gregory of Nazianzus
Eustathius III
Gregory Jacob, Gregory Bar Hebraeus, Michael, short John the Evangelist x
Gregory John, Gregory Bar HebraeusII.2
Gregory of NazianzusI.2
James the ApostleII.2xx xxxxxConnoly / Codrington
Short James the Apostle, Gregory Bar HebraeusII.2 xxx xxx
Jacob Baradaeusx
Jacob of EdessaIII.1x
Jacob of Serugh III.1x
Jacob of Serugh IIII.1
Ignatius of Antiochxx
Ignatius Behnam, Basil the Maphrian
Jacob of Serugh IIIII.1
Ignatius bar Wahibx
Ignatius the Maphrian
John the Evangelistxx xxxxx xxxx
John bar Shushanx
John Aaron bar Ma‘danix
John of BostraIII.1x
John ChrysostomI.2xxEngberding
John of Dalyatha, John SabaII.1
John of Harran, John Chrysostomxxxxx xx
John of Lephed, John Maronaya
John MaroxxxChabot
John of the Sedre, John bar Shushan
John the Scribe, John Aksenayax
Isaac xx
JuliusIII.1 xxxx
Lazar bar Sabta, Basil, Philoxenusxx
Mark the Evangelist, XII Apostlesxx xxxx xx Assemani
Marutha of Tagritx x
Matthew the Shepherdxx xxxx xxx
Michael the Greatx
Moses bar Kepha I, Severusx
Moses bar Kepha II
Holy Fathers, collected by John Theodore bar Wahbunx
Peter the Apostle Ix
Peter IIxxx xxx xxx
Peter III (Sharar)II.3x
Peter of Kallinikosx
Philoxenus of Mabbug I, Proclus, Basil of Caesarea, Simeon of Beth Arshamx
Philoxenus II, Severus of Antiochx
Philoxenus III
Holy Roman Churchxx x
Severus of Antioch, Timothy of AlexandriaI.1x
Severus Sebokht
Thomas the Apostle, Thomas of Harkel, Thomas of GermanikaII.3 x x
Timothy of Alexandria, Severus of AntiochI.1 Engberding
Xystusxxx xxxx xx Howard
Fathers, assembled fromx

Andere Editionen:

  • Athanasius von Alexandria: Baumstark, A., Eine syrische «Liturgia S. Athanasii» veröffentlicht, in: OrChr 2 (1902) 90-129. (syr. und lat.) (441, Anm. 18)
  • Celestine: Wright, W., The Liturgy of St. Celestine, Bishop of Rome, in: Journal of Sacred Literature 5:1 (1967) 225-32. (441, Anm. 19)
  • Cyriacus: Kaiser, K., Die syrische Liturgie des Kyriakos von Antiocheia, in: OrChr 5 (1905) 174-197. (syr. und lat.) (441, Anm. 20)
  • Cyril of Jerusalem: Assemani, J.A., Codex Liturgicus Ecclesiae Universae. 5, Rome 1752, 155-179. (with Latin translation) (441, Anm. 21)
  • XII Apostles I: On this anaphora see Engberding, H., Die syrische Anaphora der Zwölf Apostel und ihre Paralleltexte, in: OrChr 34 (1937) 213-247. (442, Anm. 22)
  • James the Apostle: Among other editions the following should be singled out: Codrington, H.W., Two Commentaries on the Jacobite Liturgy, London 1913, 87-114: text, 91-111: translation. Rücker, A., Die syrische Jakobusanaphora nach der Rezension des Ja‘qob(h) von Edessa, 1923 (= Liturgiegeschichtliche Quellen und Forschungen 4). Heiming, O., Palimpsestbruckstücke der syrischen Version der Jakobusanaphora aus dem 8. Jahrhundert in der Handschrift add. 14615 des British Museums, in: OCP 16 (1950) 190-200. (442, Anm. 23)
  • John Chrysostom: On this anaphora see Engberding, H., Die westsyrische Anaphora des hl. Johannes Chrysostomus und ihre Probleme, in: OrChr 39 (1955) 33-47. (443, Anm. 24)
  • John Maro: Chabot, J.B., La Liturgie attribuée à Saint Jean Maron, in: Notices et Extraits des Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Nationale ... puliés par l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 43 (Paris 1945) 1-42. (with Latin translation) (443, Anm. 25)
  • John of the Sedre: Fuchs, H., Die Anaphora des monophysitischen Patriarchen Johannan I, 1926 (= Liturgiegeschichtliche Quellen 9). (444, Anm. 26)
  • Mark the Evangelist: Assemani, J.A., Codex Liturgicus. 7:2, Rome 1754, 91-108. (444, Anm. 27)
  • Timothy of Alexandria: On this anaphora see Engberding, H., Das Verhältnis der syrischen Timotheusanaphora zur koptischen Cyrillusliturgie, in: OrChr 42 (1958) 55-67. (445, Anm. 28)
  • Xystus: Tekso d-qurobo. Anafura d-Mor Ksustus Patriarko d-Rumi, St. Joseph's Printing House, Tiruvalla, Kerala 1965. (with Malayalam translation) (445, Anm. 29)
  • Howard, G.B., The Christians of St. Thomas and their Liturgies, Oxford / London 1864, reprinted 1969: Dionysius bar Salibi I, XII Apostles II, John of Harran, Peter II, Thomas the Apostle, Xystus (english translation) (445, Anm. 29)
  • Abbreviated English translations of a number of Maronite anaphoras can be found in: The Maronite Liturgical Year. vol. 1, Diocese of St. Maron, USA 1982: XII Apostles II, Jacob of Serugh I, Peter II, Timothy of Alexandria; vol. 2, 1982: Celestine II, XII Apostles II, Eustathius I, Mark the Evangelist; vol 3, 1983: Basil of Caesarea, XII Apostles II, James the Apostle, John the Evangelist, Holy Roman Church; Fenqitho, Diocese of St. Maron, USA 1980: Cyril of Jerusalem, John Maro, Thomas the Apostle. (445, Anm. 29)



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