P 27164-G19 „Syriac Anaphoras“ 2014-2016
The term „anaphora“ encompasses a range of meanings. On this website „anaphora“ is applied to liturgical forms containing the Eucharistic prayers.
„syriac-anaphoras.org“ provides anaphoral texts which emerged in various Syrian churches – the Syrian Orthodox Church provides an unparalleled number of them. All texts are taken from the rich manuscript tradition. Several hundred relevant manuscripts are spread over the world. A good number of manuscript collections are inaccessible even today, many books have been and still are going to be destroyed due to wars and other catastrophes. We are missing some of the oldest manuscripts which are described in catalogues being lost without any trace. This situation makes it impossible to even fix the exact number of extant anaphoras.
Additionally, there are other problems, connected with the scientific state-of-the-art:
- in many cases one and the same anaphora is attributed to different names;
- one and the same author is said to have authored more than one anaphora;
- there are erroneous ascriptions to authors;
- in some cases the identity of an anaphora remains unclear;
- we find a kind of „modular system“ in the creation of anaphoras: single anaphoras are enriched by prayers taken from another anaphora;
- lots of manuscripts which are introduced in a catalogue are not accessible, not physically, nor in digital or any other form;
- we have faint knowledge of „clandestine“ collections;
- the area of anaphoral studies is developed rather occasionally than systematically; …
Aspects of that kind would arouse the impression that this website had a somewhat preliminary character. And this will remain true in a medium-term perspective. The data base of texts and information on anaphoras in the background is growing slowly but steadily.
We are offering:
- at least one Syriac text of each anaphora (to be uploaded gradually);
- the indication of manuscripts containing a certain anaphora;
- some information on literature to the anaphoras (not exhaustive);
- the search function for every Syriac word in an anaphora the text of which we have already tagged.

Anaphora of Basilius Abd al-Gani

Anaphora of Abraham

Anaphora of Athanasius of Alexandria

Anaphora of Basilius of Caesarea

Anaphora of Basilius according to A. Masius

Anaphora of Clement I

Anaphora of Clement II

Anaphora of Celestine

Anaphora of Cyrill

Anaphora of Cyrill of Hah

Anaphora of David

Anaphora of Dionysius the Areopagite

Anaphora of Dionysius Behnam Gegawi

Anaphora of Dionysius Bar Salibi I

Anaphora of Dionysius Bar Salibi II

Anaphora of Dionysius Bar Salibi III

Anaphora of Dioscorus I

Anaphora of Dioscorus II

Anaphora of Dioscorus of Gazarta

Anaphora of Ephrem

Anaphora of Eustathius I

Anaphora of Eustathius II

Anaphora of Eustathius III

Anaphora of Eustathius IV

Anaphora of the Holy Fathers

Anaphora of Gregory Barhebraeus I

Anaphora of Gregory Barhebraeus II

Anaphora of Gregory Jacob

Anaphora of Gregory John

Anaphora of Gregory Nazianzen

Anaphora of Gregory of Nyssa

Anaphora of Ignatius

Anaphora of Ignatius Behnam

Anaphora of Ignatius the Maphrian

Anaphora of Ignatius I. bar Wahib

Anaphora of Mar Ishaq

Anaphora of James (long)

Anaphora of James (short)

Anaphora of Jacob Baradaeus

Anaphora of Jacob of Edessa

Anaphora of Jacob Bar Qainaya

Anaphora of Jacob of Sarug I

Anaphora of Jacob of Sarug II

Anaphora of Jacob of Sarug III

Anaphora of John of Bostra

Anaphora of John Chrysostomus

Anaphora of John of Dara

Anaphora of John the Evangelist

Anaphora of John the Great

Anaphora of John of Harran

Anaphora of John of Lehphed

Anaphora of John Bar Madani

Anaphora of John Maron

Anaphora of John of Qartamin

Anaphora of John Saba

Anaphora of John the Scribe

Anaphora of John of Sedris

Anaphora of John Bar Shushan I

Anaphora of John Bar Shushan II

Anaphora of Julius

Anaphora of Kyriakos of Antioch

Anaphora of Lazar Bar Sabeta I

Anaphora of Lazar Bar Sabeta II

Anaphora of Mark

Anaphora of Maruta of Tagrit

Anaphora of Mar Peter of Antioch

Anaphora of Mattai the Shephard

Anaphora of Michael of Antioch

Anaphora of Mose Bar Kepha I

Anaphora of Mose Bar Kepha II

Anaphora of Peter I

Anaphora of Peter II

Anaphora of Peter III

Anaphora of Peter of Qalliniqus

Anaphora of Philoxenus of Mabbug I

Anaphora of Philoxenus of Mabbug II

Anaphora of Philoxenus of Mabbug III

Anaphora of the Roman Church

Anaphora of Severus of Antioch

Anaphora of Severus of Qenneshrin

Anaphora of Thomas of Harqel

Anaphora of Timotheus

Anaphora of the Twelve Apostles I

Anaphora of the Twelve Apostles II

Anaphora of the Twelve Apostles III

Anaphora of Xystus