
Goal of this homepage

The goal of this homepage is to publish texts of Syriac anaphoras. Anaphoras are liturgical texts used during the mass for the eucharistic liturgy in christian churches.


Ephrem A. Ishac: Editor

ORCID 0000-0003-2943-6556

Ephrem Ishac is a specialist in Syriac Studies focusing on East and West Syriac General Councils, Syriac Anaphoras, the History of Ecumenism in the Middle East, and Syriac Manuscripts.

He serves as a Senior Postdoctoral Fellow at FSCIRE Foundation for Religious Studies in Bologna (Italy), Lecturer in Syriac Liturgical Theology at Salzburg University, and a Postdoctoral Researcher at VESTIGIA Manuscript Research Center, Graz University.

Thomas Klampfl: IT and TEI encoding.

Students of the MA Programme in Syriac Theology (Salzburg), during the liturgical courses taught by Dr. Ephrem A. Ishac (2015-2018): Contributors in plain texts transcription.