van der Ploeg, J.P.M., The Christians of St. Thomas in South India and their Syriac Manuscripts, Bangalore: India 1983 (= Placid Lecture Series 3).
Libraries in Kerala
Library of the Malankara Catholic Archbishop, Trivandrum
- 2. East syriac book for the eucharistic liturgy, 17.th cent. (88)
- f. 103-124r: Order of Mass with the anaphora of the Apostles, the well-known latinized text with some prayers (89) for its preparation (from the Roman Missal). (90)
- 13. Mar Thomite Missal. Jacobite Anaphorae of
- James.
- Xystos.
- Dion. bar Salibi.
- Petros.
- John of Haran. (94)
- 20. Jacobite Missal, west syriac.
- Anaphora of James.
- Moses b. K.
- Dionys. b. S.
- Mathew the pastor.
- Eustathios.
- Julius of Rome.
- John Ev.
- Mark.
- Ivanios of Harran.
- Xystos.
- Peter.
- Twelve Apostles.
- John Patr.
- James of Sar.
- Ignatius, disciple of John.
- Dionysius, disciple of Paul.
- Cyr. Alex.
- James of Edessa.
- Maruta, Katholikos of the East.
- Lazarus of Baghdad.
- Patra, patr. of Anioch.
- Philoxenos of Mabbug. (97)
- 21. Jacobite Missel, west syriac, 19th century (?) (97.99)
- James.
- John Ev.
- Ignatius of Antioch.
- Matthew the pastor.
- Twelve Apostles (recorded by Luke).
- Dionysius (97) of Athens.
- Cyril of Alexandria.
- Jacob Intercisus.
- Petra, Patr. of Antioch.
- Eustatius Patr. of Alexandria.
- Lazarus Barsabba of Baghdad.
- Julius of Rome.
- Xystus of Rome.
- Dionysius b. Sal.
- John of Haran, Habura and Nisibin. (98)
- 24. Bethany Manuscripts, liturgical. Eight modern liturgical manuscripts of big size. One
volume contains the anaphora of Mar John the Patriarch son of M`yny. (100)
Library of the Malankara Bishop's House, Tiruvalla.
- 11. Anaphorae, east syriac with additions in west syriac, 1769 A.D.
- Anaphora of James. (106)
- Dionysios.
- John of Haran, Habur and Nisibin.
- Jacob of the monastery of Mar Hananya.
- John the Patriarch.
- Xystus, Patriarch of Rome. (107)
- 12. Order of Mass etc, west syriac, recent c. 1900 (?).
- 13. Anaphorae, west syriac, 1869 A.D.
- Anaphora of the Twelve Apostles.
- John the Evangelist.
- Peter.
- John of Haran and others. (108)
Library of the Monastery of St. Joseph, Mannanam.
- 1. East syriac, probably first half or middle of the 19th century. It is a Chaldean
manuscript from Middle East, containing mainly three east syriac anaphorae and the rite of baptism.
- Anaphora of the Apostles.
- Theodore.
- Nestorius. (116)
- 2. East syriac, Nr. 1220 of the library, missal, 1859 A.D.
- Anaphora of the Apostles.
- Theodore.
- Nestorius. (116f)
- 3. East syriac, ritual, probably 19th century.
- Anaphora of the Apostles. (117)
- 4. East syriac, missal, 19th century.
- Anaphora of the Apostles. (117f)
Library of the Catholic Bishop's House, Trichur.
- 8. East syriac, chaldean missal, 1866 A.D.
- Anaphora of the Apostles.
- Theodore.
- Nestorius. (132f)
Library of the Metropolitan's house of the Church of the East (Nestorian), Trichur.
- 11. (27.) Hudra, 1598 A.D.
- Anaphora of the Apostles.
- Anaphora of Theodore.
- Anaphora of Nestorius. (137)
- 12. (28.) Hudra, 1880 A.D., ohne nähere Angaben. (136)
- 13. (29.) Hudra, 1681 A.D., ohne nähere Angaben. (137f)
- 23. (74.) A Catholic chaldeen missal, 1797 A.D.
- Anaphora of the Apostles. (140)
- 42. (56.) Qurbana, text of the eucharistic liturgy. (147)
Library of the Konat family, Pampakuda.
- 34. Anaphorae, west syriac, 1749 A.D., keine näheren Angaben. (164)
- 35. West syriac, 1752 A.D.
- Anaphora of St. James. (164)
- 47. A book with anaphorae, ritual of Baptism, etc, 1810. (165)
- 57. Syriac Anaphorae, west syriac, 1833 A.D. (168)
- 80. Book with west syriac Anaphorae, 1858. (170)
- 190. Eucharistic liturgy and other texts, 19th century. (174)
- 209. Anaphorae, west syriac.
- Anaphora of St. Peter.
- Dionysios. (174)
- 215. Anaphorae, west syriac, 1895 A.D. (175)